The silent killer of many consulting businesses isn’t a lack of effort or skill - it’s unclear positioning and lack of strategic focus. These two issues trigger a domino effect that stifles growth at every stage.
Imagine this: You’re trying to introduce yourself to a room of 20 people. Every time someone asks, “Do you also do X?” or “Can you help with Y?” you nod eagerly, saying, “Sure, I can do that too.” By the end of the night, you’ve handed out dozens of business cards, but no one remembers what you’re good at or why they should hire you.
This is exactly what happens when your positioning is vague. Instead of standing out, you blend in. And this lack of clarity ripples across every part of your business:
Can you see the domino effect? Unclear positioning means potential clients don’t understand why they should choose you over someone else. That confusion creates hesitation. Hesitation leads to slow deal cycles, pricing pushback, and prospects disappearing entirely.
Because your message is unclear, your marketing efforts scatter. You spend time chasing leads that don’t convert - or worse, taking on projects that drain your time and energy.
But it’s not just your sales and marketing that suffer. When you’re trying to serve everyone, every new client feels like starting from scratch. You end up customizing every project, which kills your efficiency and makes it hard to take on more than a handful engagements at the same time.
Let me tell you about a client I worked with who fell into this trap. She was a seasoned HR consultant, marketing herself as someone who could “help any company improve employee engagement.” Her clients ranged from tech startups to nonprofits to manufacturing firms. Each project required a new learning curve, draining her time and energy.
Her vague positioning wasn’t just ineffective - it was actively working against her.
After some tough but necessary conversations, she narrowed her focus to mid-sized tech companies struggling with employee retention. This shift allowed her to streamline her services, build repeatable solutions, and communicate her value more clearly. Within six months, she doubled her retainer rates, simplified delivery, and started receiving referrals from her niche market.
The clients she “lost” weren’t great fits anyway. By letting go of bad-fit opportunities, she made space for better ones.
Lack of focus isn’t just inconvenient. It’s a blocker to growth. When prospects don’t understand what you stand for, they move on. And when you’re trying to solve too many problems for too many people, you can’t solve any of them exceptionally well.
If you’re feeling stuck, don’t double down on effort - refine your focus.
Pick a market. Solve a painful problem. Communicate your value clearly.
Growth doesn’t come from working more, but working on the right things.
"Courage is one of the scarcest commodities there is. That’s why it’s such a powerful competitive advantage!"
— David Maister, "Strategy and the Fat Smoker"
I get it, and I’ve heard it from more consultants than I can count - narrowing your positioning and specializing feels scary.
What if you pick the wrong niche? What if you limit your opportunities? These fears are common, but they’re based on a flawed assumption: that staying broad is safer.
The truth? Broad positioning isn’t safe - it’s exhausting. You’re constantly fighting to be seen, trying to out-market competitors who are more focused, and doing work that drains you.
Think about it: Would you rather hire a general contractor who “does everything” or a specialist who’s built the exact type of home you want? Clients want the specialist. They pay more, trust you faster, and refer you more often.
Specialists tend to charge more for their average consulting engagement. Of the consultants who charge between $20K–$50K for their average project, 81% of them are specialists.
Source: Consulting Success’ Fees Study (2023)
Are you addressing your growth challenges at their root, or just treating the symptoms?
If positioning and focus are blocking your growth, our go-to-market advisory service can help you refine your messaging, attract better-fit clients, and build a pipeline that scales. Let’s make 2025 the year you stop spinning your wheels and start thriving.