The idea of the "Twelve Favorite Problems" comes from physicist Richard Feynman. Feynman believed that focusing on a few key challenges was a better way to make progress than spreading yourself too thin. Instead of chasing every new idea or problem, he zeroed in on a handful that were both interesting to him and had the potential for real impact. These weren't necessarily the toughest problems out there - but the ones that kept his curiosity alive.
Here at the Boutique Consulting Club, we decided to follow the same idea.
We don't do any kind of work for any kind of client. We specialize in working with founders of early-stage consulting practices. With no or a handful employees. In the low 6-figure revenue range, or still in the concept phase.
And to ensure that our content, programs, and resources are relevant to you, we have compiled a list of 12 problems we typically help our clients solve, and are always learning more about:
These are the core challenges we focus on because they’re the key to building a successful, sustainable consulting practice. Whether it’s refining your service offering, pricing with confidence, or leveraging technology and networks, these questions are not just theoretical—they unavoidable every early-stage consultancy founder that wants to grow.
If you're interested in exploring those questions, you can get specialized and actionable growth insights for micro consultancies in our newsletter. Every Tuesday, you get one idea from Danilo, one quote from other experts, one number you need to hear, and one question for you to level up your consulting practice. Enter your email now to join us.
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