About Danilo Kreimer

Here's all you need to know about BCC's Founder

Danilo's Personal Story

I didn’t come from a corporate background like many of the consultants I work with today. During almost all of my career I’ve been an entrepreneur: First as a self-employed freelancer, then founding and running a marketing agency that helped professional service firms build their client pipelines. That’s where I first encountered boutique consultancies—small, owner-led firms with a lot of expertise but no clear path to growth.

As I worked with more of these consultancies, I saw a common problem: despite their skill and dedication, most of them were stuck. They were working hard but couldn’t grow. They lacked clarity around their services, didn’t know how to position themselves in the market, and struggled to create consistent revenue streams. This wasn’t an execution problem—it was something deeper.

It was frustrating. I could see they had huge potential to grow, but the founders just didn’t know how to put them together. I realized if these consultants didn’t get the right guidance, they would continue wasting time, energy, and money. Working harder without seeing real results.

That’s when I decided to transition from running marketing campaigns to providing strategic advisory for consultancy founders. I wanted to do more than just help them build a pipeline—after all, no amount of sales is enough when you’re selling cheap services that lead to “in-and-out” of dissatisfied clients. After working with so many consultancies, I knew I could offer something that addressed the root causes of low growth and profitability.

Another realization for me (which looks quite obvious in hindsight) was that most early-stage consultancy founders weren’t looking to work less. In fact, they loved their work. They enjoyed their area of specialization, loved being hands-on with clients, and found the journey of building their business fulfilling. What they wanted wasn’t to reduce their workload; they wanted to increase revenue without the complexity of managing a bunch of people or serving more clients. This was a big shift in my approach.

Early on, I’d thought the answer was helping these consultants free up their time, but I quickly learned that wasn’t the case. They didn’t mind working hard, but they did mind the idea of scaling up in ways that didn’t align with their values—like hiring big teams or dealing with an endless stream of clients just to keep the business afloat. They wanted growth, but not at the cost of losing what made their work meaningful.

This realization helped me fine-tune our advisory services. I focused on helping them grow revenue without adding more complexity—whether that meant hiring more staff or taking on a gazillion of clients. I worked to create tailored go-to-market strategies that aligned with their goals, allowing founders to grow while staying true to what they valued most in their work.

During the last years I’ve advised over 50 boutique consulting firms across Europe, Canada, and Brazil, helping them scale services and revenue in ways that suit their vision—working closely with fewer clients, making a bigger impact, and still achieving financial growth. Through the Boutique Consulting Club, we provide a roadmap for consultancy founders who want to grow smarter, not just harder. It’s not about working less—it’s about building a business designed for sustainable, high-impact growth.

Expert Bio

Danilo Kreimer is the Founder of the Boutique Consulting Club, an accelerator dedicated to helping high-impact consultancy founders build scalable, profitable businesses without the overwhelm. Over the past decade, he has advised more than 50 boutique consultancies worldwide, helping them transition from early-stage ventures to thriving businesses. Specializing in go-to-market strategy, service design, and revenue growth, Danilo is known for his no-nonsense, results-driven approach. With a unique background that spans running a marketing agency and strategic consulting, Danilo has earned a reputation for turning expertise into long-term, sustainable profit.

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